On Wednesday, a few of us went to Ghent, a small city about 30 minutes outside Brussels. A professor that gave us a lecture last week during our Integration Week told us he was participating in a conference about Briexit in Ghent that day. Some of us were interested in it, and made a whole day out of it! Almost didn't make it on this adventure because I woke up late and almost missed the train. Really really glad I made it all two minutes before the train arrived, because it was such an awesome day!!
Honestly...the conference was kinda boring. The four of us that ended up going (Marion, Amalie, Theresa, and myself) were the youngest people there by far. It was a lot of old men just talking about their opinion of Briexit; nothing new. But we got a free breakfast and lunch out of it. And the food was reallyyyy good, so it does get some bonus points for the really good food.
After lunch, we left to explore. Ghent is one of the prettiest cities I have ever seen!!! All the buildings are so different with mostly modern and gothic architecture mixed together. We walked to the church in the center of the city, and just admired how pretty the city was and all the colors and buildings. We mostly just walked around and stopped in a few shops, just admiring the little shops. We did go to the Holy Food Market, which was super cute with all the pink lights and pretty decorations. Then we got coffee and chocolate at a cute little shop before deciding to head out - with a brief stop at the cutest bookstore. I can't really think of a better word to use than "cute" to describe Ghent; it really is just a cute city. We're already planning another trip out here, especially once the weather gets nicer and since it's so close to Brussels!