Both day 3 and 4 was pretty lowkey to be honest. I did wake up to it snowing though on Wednesday!

Started off the day with having to get to IHECS on my own. The previous days I was just kinda following my roommate because she's from NYC and has taken public transportation her entire life. But now, I know for sure how to get to the school on my own, so that's good! In the morning we, had a lecture about the Belgium media. The professor held a discussion, asking us what we thought our own countries media was like. My first thought was just "fake news" (haha), but it was really interesting hearing about other countries, especially from the Russian and Latin American countries. We had a quick lunch break afterwards, where I got a waffle from The Waffle Factory. The waffle was kinda like a sandwich with ham and melted cheese in the middle. Super good!!

Afterwards, we met up to go to the Musee d'Art Moderne. We got a guided tour from a guy that was super enthusiastic about the art and spoke on one piece at a time for like 10 minutes. It was a lot, but some of the artwork really was impressive and neat to check out!!
Then, I went to Ikea! I forgot a few things (a towel and sheets and a water bottle) or realized I needed a few things (plastic containers for food), so a couple of us headed out there. It was quite eh advetnure getting there - taking the tram the wrong way, going back the right way, finding a metro station, taking the metro there, and walking like 15 minutes there. But overall, a good and successful trip!!
My friend, Marion, invited me to have dinner at her apartment on our way home. She lives about 10 minutes walking distance from IHECS. Marion is from Norway and super cool! We had a really good dinner of chicken, lettuce, avocado, cucumber, hummus, feta cheese, and quinoa.

Day 4 - We had a 2-hour lecture about how the government in Belgium works. It was actually pretty interesting, but it was also a pretty long lecture. I found it super interesting how many branches of the government there are divided into regions and communities, and how it all works though.
After the lecture, we got lunch at the Pepper Mint with 13 other exchange students. We had to rush a bit before meeting up with everyone, but the food was good. I got a quiche, which was super yummy.

Then, we met up for a tour of a chocolate factory. The guy was pretty entertaining. The highlight of the tour was getting to taste test some white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate! SO GOOD. After the chocolate tour, I wandered around the older part of Brussels and found my way back home on the tram (all by myself!).
After relaxing for an hour or so, a couple of friends came over to hangout before we went to a bar around the corner for a "Conversation Exchange" - not totally realizing what I was getting myself into. It's actually really cool though, as people meet up at a bar and split up into groups based on what language they want to improve on. And you literally have a conversation in that language and can get corrected on your grammar, expand your vocabulary, etc. Super cool!! Except I only really know English and the very very basics of some Spanish and Italian. But I was taught a tiny bit of French and ended up having an interesting conversation (in English) about learning languages in other countries with some other students, so it ended up being a fun night!