Wednesday afternoon, we drove along the Rhine River for a few hours to Königswinter, Germany. It’s such a cute little German town! We struggled to find fluent English speakers, although we did the best we could while ordering (ya sorry about ordering 5 currywursts instead of 1). We walked around some after dinner and just took in the mountain views!
On Thursday, we explored Königswinter and hiked up a freaking mountain to see a castle at the top. We walked around some and took in the BEAUTIFUL view of the river. Afterwards, we drove along the Rhine River some more and stopped in another little town to check out another castle. In order to get up to this castle, we had to take a cable car across the river! That was pretty cool!! Then we just walked around and got some beers and enjoyed the beautiful weather (it was like 70 degrees!!).
Then we were originally were going to go to spend the night Spa, Belgium but the airbnb host never got back to us. Sooo we found a hotel in Bacharach (pronounced ba-ah-rah), which I think is the cutest german town ever!! In Bacharach, all the buildings were like out of a fairytale with painting and carvings and cobble stone roads everywhere and a castle and vineyards. Some of these buildings were built back in the 1400s!!! We got dinner at a traditional german restaurant. So. Freaking. Good. We ate enough food to eat an army I think. After dinner, we wandered around and explored the town some. There was a beautiful view over the town and the river with the full moon. Such a great night!!!
Friday. Our last full day together. We explored Bacharach a little bit more in the daylight. Then we drove to Luxembourg, got some lunch, and then continued on our way to Brussels.
Luxembourg was a cute country - different colored buildings, more cobble stones, great weather. We just walked along the main road and got lunch. Yay for breaded (?) cheeseburgers all around.
We then got back to Brussels, and immediately crashed at the hotel. I said goodbye to my family that night, as I was leaving at 6am for my next trip and they were leaving at 9am to go back home.
Check out all the pictures from Königswinter here.
Check out all the pictures from Bacharach here.